"There’s nothing in the middle of
the road but yellow stripes and dead armadillos."
Jim Hightower

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Saving PDFs from Apple Mail

I should have remembered how easy Apple makes things rather than starting off on a more complicated path.

I have a number of email invoices from an online shop that I want to store locally. I know that Spotlight indexes the email and I should be able to easily find these invoices going forward, but wanted to group the invoices with some other files - scanned receipts and documents.

I had been able to use the Mail option 'File | Save as a PDF' on each message, but there were 100 or so messages and I thought this would be tedious and spent a day investigating Automator and Applescript.

Long-story short, I had assumed (... breaking rule #1) that Mail would aggregate all the message if I tried to save more than one. It doesn't - just saves out each file as a PDF in turn.

So the easy solution is to save the file to a folder and then get Hazel to rename, tag and sort the files from there.

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